
Technology ruins relationship and life from you

Time is precious. Time is money. We have a lot to work but having very less time. Somehow technology has the solutions to do these works in a efficient way and in a minimal time. But human nature will never change, what ever it comes still he needs more and more. In someway this technology ruins our relationship.

Technology ruins
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Missing birthday

  • There was days when your father never misses your birthday 🎂🎂, until he has some critical work to do.
  • Although this is easier to attend a birthday from a video call, but it’s not the same fun with attending physically.
  • Even giving a pleasant surprise through a birthday gift physically is not same is sending some gift voucher from a digital wallet.
  • Video call technology ruins your birthday celebration.

Selfie star

  • It was fun to having dinner with your partner and interaction with a personal topic.
  • But now a days many person’s first takes their selfie and posting it on social media (#Dinner with my partner #butter chicken masala #tasty food).
  • This is not the end by just putting in over social media, now it starts receiving likes and comment) , now your attention is not in your food or not even in your partner. You are busy with reading comments and replying those.
  • Mobile and social media made us busy like anything.

Tend video

  • It was fun to capturing a moment and recall them later.
  • But now there are so many short video platforms are there. People wants to see them on the trend list always.
  • They don’t even care about any risky pose on a top hill or on a flow stream, sometimes when they are losing they life.
  • Capturing something and sending it to some one for fun purpose is fine but it’s extreme level is serious.
  • short video and trend video platforms makes our life hell.

Mental stress and sick

  • Mobile now becomes one of the part of our life and internet is a flavor over it.
  • We are using mobile like oxygen. Even we are not leaving while sleeping time.
  • It really effects our health, it causes eye stress, and almost all of us are addicted in this

Fraud transaction

  • Technologies makes easier over digital payment and transactions. But it’s really unsafe when you new to it.
  • Many person’s are new to online transaction sometimes they are getting trouble with fraud calls and transactions.

Security threat

  • There are many applications, software and websites available which are stealing our data day and night.
  • Most of the user even using those with our reading the TnC, we are just accepting it what ever is there.
  • Using this hackers are taking benefits. They are hacking our data and starts blackmailing.

Although now world is very small for us for communication but our relationship gradually decreasing day by day,

Advanced technologies are really cool and they are making our life easier but at the same time they agree making our life difficult too.

Some of the serious impact over the technology that makes our life a slave towards technology.

1. Technology is addictive.

2. You’re a slave to your phone.

3. You’re not in control of your time.

4. You spend too much time on social media.

5. Technology is consuming you.

6. Technology is destroying your relationships.

7. Technology is killing your brain.

8. You never feel like yourself

Technology is addictive

Technology is a great way to keep people busy and entertained, but it can be just as addicting as drugs or alcohol. When we use technology, we’re always on, and the more time we spend online, the more the novelty wears off and the less the thrill of the new becomes apparent. We need to realize that, as a society, we’re addicted to technology and this has a lot to do with why we’re stressed out, anxious, and feeling disconnected.

technology addiction
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If you have been using technology for a long time, you may be bored and feel anxious. Technology is a great thing, but it has a bad side too. You need to learn how to turn off your technology and live in the moment. It is also important to realize that you are addicted to technology. You are always on, and you can’t escape it. This is one of the reasons why you are stressed and anxious. It is hard to disconnect from technology. You can’t turn it off like you can turn off your phone. It is very hard to turn off your phone and not look at it for a few days.

You must be aware of how much time you spend online and try to limit it. If you don’t, you will start to feel addicted to it. This is why you should be careful when you use technology. It is possible that you can become addicted to it. When you use technology, you need to avoid using it while you are sleeping. This is the time that you need to rest. You will be tired and you will need to sleep. So, if you are tired, you shouldn’t be using your smartphone. You need to get more rest.

You’re a slave to your phone

If you have an iPhone or Android phone, there is a good chance you are a slave to your phone. Your phone is the number one thing you check every morning when you wake up, and chances are, the last thing you look at before falling asleep at night. You never take it off. You might think you are doing yourself a favor by being a slave to your phone, but it isn’t a smart way to live. The phone is your master, not you.

If you want to get out of this situation, you should try to change your habits. For example, if you are a social person who likes to talk to people, maybe you should call some friends and go for dinner or a movie instead of texting them. Also, if you are a busy person who always has something to do, maybe you should put your phone away and just relax for a while. Finally, if you work at a job that requires you to check your phone all the time, maybe you should try to limit the time you spend on the phone. This will help you avoid getting too distracted from what you should be doing at work.

we can control our life by choosing a simple life for which we can get real please and escape from this slavery from technology. Refer

You’re not in control of your time

Technology allows you to be productive while you’re away from the office. You can read your email and respond to your phone. However, technology doesn’t guarantee your productivity when you’re working. Technology can give you the illusion of being in control of your time. However, you’re not really in control. You may be able to set reminders to respond to email, but if you don’t get to it, then the message will never be answered.

The best way to ensure that you are being productive is to follow some rules. For example, you should block out a certain amount of time each day to be productive. Also, you should take time to organize your work area. The way you arrange your desk determines how well you’re going to be able to accomplish your work. You should have the right tools for the job. If you don’t have what you need to be productive, then you’ll be wasting your time.

You spend too much time on social media

Social media is a powerful tool, but you shouldn’t be spending all your time there. You should also keep your business focused on one website, or at least focus it to the extent that you’re making money. And when you’re thinking about the things that you should be doing, you should be focusing on how you can build a business, rather than focusing on how you can gain followers.

People who spend all their time on social media are a waste of time. You should have a business, and your business is what will grow your brand. So when you are thinking about the things that you should be doing, you should be focusing on how you can build a business, rather than focusing on how you can gain followers. If you are only focusing on gaining followers, you are wasting your time.

It doesn’t make sense to focus on growing followers if you are not going to make money with your site. If you are not making money, then you’re not getting anywhere with your site. If you’re not making money, you are not going to grow your business. People might follow you just because they think that you have a lot of followers, but they’re not going to buy anything from you.

Technology ruins by consuming you.

I had to think about what exactly that meant to me, and my answer is: the technology in your life is consuming you. As I look around my office and my home, it’s clear that the technology I use every day is consuming me. I spend much more time checking email than doing anything else. The constant availability of data on our smartphones has changed how we communicate. And social media is the primary place where people are spending the majority of their time.

In today’s world, you never stop being connected to others. Even while you sleep, your smartphone or tablet might wake you up when you get a notification or when someone sends you a message. It is impossible to escape this world. Technology is changing how we live and how we work. Our world is becoming increasingly digitalized, and the pace at which things happen is increasing.

There are a lot of things going on around us, and it’s easy to get distracted by all of them. We need to learn how to focus our attention on what is most important in our lives. We need to learn how to spend our time wisely, instead of spending all our time online. If we do that, then we’ll have time for ourselves, to spend with friends and family, to do something fun, or to just relax. I believe that this technology is taking over our lives.

Technology ruins by destroying your relationships

Your relationships will never be the same after you hear this one… We all need to learn how to communicate with each other without losing our minds. When you become a “techno-geek” in your relationships, you start to lose yourself in your devices. You’re not paying attention to what’s going on in front of you. When you’re at the mercy of technology, it has a way of taking over your mind. It can become so demanding and consuming that you become oblivious to anything around you. When you become too attached to technology, your relationships with people suffer.

Quality time and trust
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This is an important lesson to be learned. It is important for us to understand that if we spend all of our time focusing on technology, we will start to lose ourselves. If this happens, we won’t be able to relate well to other people. We will also start to lose our true values, and our focus will shift from family to work and our gadgets. We need to spend time in nature. We need to get away from technology and the distractions that technology brings into our lives. This will help us to maintain a balance in our life.

Technology ruins by killing your brain

Technology is killing our brains. Yes, we all know that the internet is killing our brains. But the internet has also made it so much easier for us to access information and therefore kill our brains! With the average American spending more than two hours each day on social media, and more than three hours a day on Facebook alone, it seems that the number of hours we spend staring at a screen isn’t going down anytime soon. That means that in the long run, technology is killing our brains. What does this mean? Well, I’m not exactly sure, but I’m pretty certain it’s bad.

technology kills brain
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We are surrounded by many technological things in our day to day life. We have smart phones, tablets, laptops, computers, printers, cars, and much more. With these things, we can easily access a lot of information. As we are constantly using them, our brains get tired from all of the information we are absorbing. The next thing to do is to make sure that we take time to relax and let our brains rest every once in a while. That way, we can prevent our brains from getting tired and overused.

You never feel like yourself

At times, technology makes us feel less human than at others. The more technology we use, the more we are connected to the world around us, and the more disconnected we become from ourselves. The most significant change is the ability to make changes and take action in a way that used to require interaction with another person. This can be a good thing, but there is a downside. We feel less independent and free.

know your weakness
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One of the downsides of technology is that it allows us to stay connected to each other all the time. When we are not doing anything, we can communicate with other people in a way that we couldn’t before. In many ways, this is a good thing. However, if we are not careful, we can end up feeling too connected to the world around us. People can be too busy to have time for us, and so we don’t have anyone to talk to when we want to vent or complain. This can be dangerous because if we let these feelings build up, we will feel anxious, angry, depressed, and frustrated.

Here some of the answered how technlogy ruins the life

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Written by imsrpanda

This is soumya (Soumya Ranjan Panda), a passionate blogger and a software engineer and finally an open person. I always keen to know the mysterious world and the human behaviors and their relationship. Also same thing I am presuming for me articles. I would also love to here the same thing from anyone, if you have anything feel free to mail me on

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