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Pleasure Behind Simplicity on life style and work ethic

Today a big question arises in everyone’s mind that what should we do to be happy? The only answer to this is that we should adopt a simple lifestyle, why it is important in the present times and what we should do to achieve it, many times we trapped between life and work, work life balance and simplicity over life makes a sweetness flavour in life.

We all want to be happy, but very few of us actually know how to be happy. It is a state of mind. To be happy you need a simple lifestyle. A simple lifestyle is one where you don’t have a lot of stress in your life. It’s having enough money to get by with so you are not constantly worried about money. It’s doing what you want to do, not what you have to do. Being simple means having a low stress level. That’s the main ingredient in true happiness.

pleasure behind simplicity
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Many times, people get caught up in the rat race of life and forget the most important thing which is to find out what they really want to do with their lives and then go after that with everything they’ve got. They lose sight of the fact that life is short and there will be plenty of time for leisure later in life. Simplicity is important now.

It’s important for health reasons and because it makes you more productive when you do have time for leisure activities. When you have a simple lifestyle your body gets all the nourishment it needs to work at full capacity. It gets all the rest it needs so it can heal from whatever minor injuries it may have sustained during the day.

Work stress balance and addopt simplicity

simplicity makes out of stress
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Remote work becomes a new norm and has changed the conditions of both life and livelihood. People have been following the rules of online classes, work from home, wearing masks and physical distance for the last one and a half years. People are getting bored with this monotony and loneliness of life. In this period of stress and uncertainty, people’s attitude towards life is changing.

People all over the world have now started to understand that happiness in life cannot be achieved only by the accumulation of wealth and material facilities. The standard of success and quality of life of the people in the country should no longer be GDP (Gross Domestic Product) but GNH i.e. Gross National Happiness. It is important to value the small joys and emotional connections that come from life experiences rather than the consumption of material resources.We have to stop thinking that money is the main ingredient for a happy life. That’s not true.

Money is a means to an end, and if the means to our end are happiness, fulfillment, and contentment, then we will have a successful life. If we spend all our time accumulating money and never take the time to enjoy our lives, to love others, to laugh and to have fun, we will always be missing out on the big rewards in life. Money is important but it is not everything. Money alone cannot buy happiness. A person who is only concerned about money will eventually suffer from a lack of true satisfaction. This is true for everyone, rich or poor. The difference is, the rich person may have more sources of false satisfaction.

Durable happiness on simplicity

happines in simplicity
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In the present era, the number of people who believe in ‘simple living, high thinking’ as the ideal is increasing rapidly. Today in many countries, upper and middle class people are taking out unnecessary material goods from their priority list. In countries like Japan, America and Italy, people who believe in such ideology formed a group of their own. They keep only the items of minimum necessity in their house. Such people who believe in the minimalistic approach, consider the excess of material resources or their desire as the biggest reason for mental stress. Peace of mind is more important than financial prosperity.

Instead of momentary, we should think of lasting happiness, with discipline that protects the environment and culture along with good health. People now want to live in the open and quiet environment of the village, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, to stay stress free and find peace. Due to which not only it is easy to follow the rules of physical distancing, but they get a lot of comfort by going close to nature.

For this, adopt an optimistic attitude, always keep yourself busy in some creative work. Instead of getting sad thinking about the economic loss due to some uncertainty, keep this thought in your mind that if we stay healthy and safe with the family, then soon the financial problems will be solved as soon as the situation gets better.

Little recipe bigger impact

It has been proved by many studies so far that the accumulation of more items in the house is the biggest cause of stress. In the beginning, the facility attracts a lot of people, but after getting caught in its clutches, the person gets buried under the debt burden. Therefore, regardless of ‘what people will say’, one should try to be happy with limited resources.

The facility owner did not have to make this statement. However, he felt compelled to share his wisdom with us. Many people get caught up in the “rat race” and lose sight of what is really important. They get so involved in making money, buying things, achieving status and accumulating wealth, they forget what is truly essential. These people become stressed because they are so focused on stuff. They get busy with their work and run around trying to accomplish so many things, that they forget to stop and smell the roses.

big impact
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They lose sight of the big picture and get bogged down with the small stuff. In fact, if you watch cable TV for a few hours, you’ll see how much time is spent talking about how to buy something, or how someone got rich through some unethical business practice, or how someone lost their shirt at the casino, or how some celebrity was caught with his (or her) pants down. All this is interesting and entertaining to some people, but it’s not really important. What is important is the significant things in our lives.

The little things in life which add up to nothing are actually what creates most of our stress. We all have an inner peace that is untouched by the constant chatter of the ego. It is only when we lose sight of the big picture that we become stressed.

some of the life hacks that looks simple having bigger impact, you can try these

Get up early and take a walk

  1. This is one of my favorite tips because it is so simple and yet very effective. Why is getting up early and taking a walk an effective way to help you get uncluttered and focused?
  2. Early risers tend to be more energetic and optimistic than those who stay in bed longer, and therefore are more likely to seek out new opportunities
  3. Being early gives you time to let your subconscious mind catch up with your conscious thoughts.
  4. Those first few hours after you wake up are when your energy and willpower are at their lowest point, which means that starting your day with a little exercise will give you a boost that lasts all day long.

When I did this every morning for about six weeks during the development of my first major website (it was the precursor to what would become the first version of my social media website), I found that I was much more open to new ideas and able to come up with solutions to problems much faster.

Unplug from electronics for an hour after dinner

Most of us are plugged in 24/7 these days. We check our email, text messages, Facebook, Instagram, and even Twitter, while we are trying to unwind and relax. This constant stimulation causes our brains to stay alert and on-edge. The result? We are more likely to fall asleep if we try to go to sleep during this time period.

After dinner is the most convenient time to catch up on email, IM, or whatever other digital distraction you are prone to. But research shows that the first half-hour after you’ve eaten is the most effective time to make a decision. So unplug and give your brain a chance to digest what you’ve just eaten.

Take the stairs instead of the elevator

This simple suggestion is based on the fact that people who take the stairs tend to walk more than those who use the elevator. And walking is good for you! Research shows that those who walk more live longer and have a lower risk of heart disease and several other health benefits.

This is one of those simple, little tips that can have a HUGE payoff. Why? Because people don’t take the stairs. Studies show Americans take the elevator about 60% of the time, and only 36% of the time do they use the stairs. By consciously choosing to use the stairs more often, you’ll find your productivity increasing drastically. You’ll become a more fit and healthy individual, and you’ll get your daily exercise without even thinking about it.

Read inspiring words every morning

As you wake up in the morning, the first thing you notice is the sound of birds chirping. And, wouldn’t you know it? That first little bit of sunlight streaming through your window seems to have an unusually positive effect on everyone’s day. In fact, when people are given a simple assignment of reading one short paragraph about something positive that happened to them (every day for a month), those people experience an amazing increase in their energy, enthusiasm, and overall happiness. That’s the finding of two fascinating studies by Dr. Paul C. of the University of Georgia.

In one study, people were simply given the assignment of reading about one positive event every day for 30 days. At the end of the 30-day period, those people reported an average increase of 20% in their overall sense of well-being. Now, let’s expand that simple daily reading assignment to include several paragraphs about positive events that happened to you. Wouldn’t that be great! You could start the day by reading about how someone else’s advertising campaign worked (the one that got you to buy that new car).

Or maybe you could read about the success of another entrepreneur. Maybe you’d enjoy reading about how a certain employee overcame a personal challenge and achieved a significant promotion. Or maybe you’d discover something positive written about you or your business. The possibilities are endless. One thing is true: When you read about other people’s successes and you learn about the circumstances that helped them succeed, it will rub off on you. It will give you a boost of confidence

Go to bed early

People who go to bed early are more productive the next day, according to a study published in the journal “Nature”. Early risers tend to get more done because their brains are still fresh. The ability to focus, think creatively and solve problems increases during the first half of the day. After lunch (around noon), our ability to focus declines. This is probably why many people find it easier to solve problems after they eat.

Health is wealth and simplicity is happiness

There’s another important fact about working out. It gives you a feeling of great pride and self-esteem. People who do it often report a sense of inner peace. It is hard to stay unhealthy when you are working out. This is because your body begins to understand that you are doing something good for yourself. And, this sends a strong message to your brain that you should also start treating yourself better. Working out builds up your self-esteem and gives you a positive outlook on life. It does this in a very natural way, and it doesn’t require any type of expensive therapy. Just keep working out and you will soon see an improvement in your overall well-being.

health is wealth
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Health is wealth and wealth comes from satisfaction. The biggest advantage of being satisfied even in limited resources is that a person does not feel pressure to earn a lot of money, there is no such compulsion for him to do work contrary to his interests or principles. Nowadays, there is an increasing number of people who give priority to their interests over money in the choice of job because happiness and satisfaction from work are more important to them.

On the other hand, when we buy something for ourselves by spending money, for a few moments, the happiness hormone called dopamine is secreted in our body, due to which the person feels good for a few moments, but after a while it becomes sad again.To remove it, he repeats the same method again. Due to this, the process of coming and going of momentary happiness and sadness goes on continuously.

On the contrary, people doing the work of their choice secrete a hormone called serotonin, which is the happiness hormone that brings a feeling of lasting happiness in their mind. Due to this, the experience of happiness and satisfaction remains for a long time.

What’s the right way finally??

right things to do
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In a simplicity life, the quality of thoughts is high. Minimal consumption of goods and services does not increase unnecessary waste and our environment also remains pollution free. This cleanliness is very important not only at the outer level, but also for the inner being of the person.

There should be no place in our mind for negative things like show of wealth, ego, lies, anger and vengeance. Along with the body, we should also take care of the cleanliness of our mind. Even if you have been hurt by something from others, forget it and forgive the person who did it. Always remember this thing that simple living brings simplicity in one’s thoughts, which in true sense makes his life meaningful and happy

In conclusion, when you’re happy, your thinking is clear and sharp. With clarity and sharpness you get more done because you don’t waste time on unimportant details. You have more fun and less anxiety because you don’t have to deal with complicated things. The blocks that keep you stuck are identified by that clarity and sharpness. When you get the job done, you free up more of your energy. You begin to see the glow that comes with being a success. Good things begin to happen when you start to attract people to you with an aura of joy and optimism. You become a magnets for other successful people because of the simplicity of your life.

also explore this article Simplicity in life

Also explore the happiness with you child hood memories because Memory the word says everything

What do you think?

Written by imsrpanda

This is soumya (Soumya Ranjan Panda), a passionate blogger and a software engineer and finally an open person. I always keen to know the mysterious world and the human behaviors and their relationship. Also same thing I am presuming for me articles. I would also love to here the same thing from anyone, if you have anything feel free to mail me on

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