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Can you be spiritual and believe in god

Why would anyone believe in god when there are no miracles, no proof, and no way to know if he exists? How can people accept this when everything we see around us is full of miracles and proof of a divine power?

Do you believe in god? I mean, you know, the big guy in the sky who listens to your prayers and helps you when things go bad? Well, does it really matter? Is it important? How about this: Do you feel a connection to the universe, the life around you, the people you love? Is there anything more wonderful than that?

In this post, I’m going to tell you the things you might not know about spirituality and belief. I’ll tell you why you need to embrace your faith, even if you don’t believe. I’ll even share my personal spiritual journey. You’ll learn a lot in this post, but the biggest thing you’ll learn is that you don’t have to be religious to feel connected to your world. In fact, you can be spiritual and still believe in god. I promise.

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Human creates machines to reduce work effort and time, that machine is created by human, operated by human, and after sometime it becomes unusable. It’s just the same way, you are the machine and your owner is the God(Generator, Operator, Destroyer). You may suffered a lot of problem in your life, and sometimes by knowingly or unknowingly you blame it towards God. It means you have some feelings towards God. Here God doesn’t mean to any shape, size or your owner. It’s just a your will power and some unknown super power.

Do you believe in your father and mother, then it’s clear that you believe in God. God is one or more?? It’s one but it has many instances, the instances are in form of father, mother, teacher and your life saver.Should I pray to God, praying to God is not bad, but dealing it like a business is bad.

  • Find the god within you.
  • Believe in yourself.
  • Believe in something greater than yourself.
  • Know that if you are loved, you can’t lose.
  • Learn to let go.
  • Know that love conquers all.
  • Accept yourself.
  • Know that everything happens for a reason.
  • Know that we have free will

Just dont believe in god rather find god with in yourself

just don’t believe in god as everyone does, the first trust for you is yourself then you near and dear ones, try finding go from them and with in you, definitely you can feel connected with god.

When was the last time you felt like the gods were watching you? It’s a simple question, but it can trigger some powerful emotions in people. People often feel like they have no choice in life but to follow their parents’ or teachers’ rules and regulations. They’re forced to live up to expectations, forced to conform. This kind of environment is oppressive. It’s hard to feel free and independent. When people grow up in such an atmosphere, they internalize a sense of guilt and worthlessness. They feel like they don’t deserve to be happy. They feel like they’re a failure.People grow up in environments where they are not allowed to express themselves or have any type of independence. They aren’t taught how to think for themselves. Instead, they’re taught what to think. In addition, they are taught to blame others for their problems.

believe in god
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These negative influences can lead to low self-esteem and self-worth. They end up feeling like they’re worthless.One of the best ways to escape from feeling like you don’t belong is to make a conscious decision to take responsibility for your own life. Make a list of your goals. Decide what you want to do with your life. Then, set a goal. Write down everything you need to do to reach your goal. You can start by writing down one or two things.It doesn’t matter how big your goal is. But make sure it’s something you really want to do. You should aim to be the best you can be. Your decisions, beliefs and attitudes about yourself and the world around you will affect your success. So, take responsibility for making the best decisions and thinking the best thoughts. That will allow you to be the best you can be.

Believe in yourself first then believe in god

Believing in yourself is important rather simply believe in god, but not believing in something you want to do is even more important. Your belief in your ability to achieve something sets the stage for success. You need to have the confidence to do something that seems to be outside of your comfort zone. People who lack confidence tend to avoid taking action. If you really believe in yourself, then no matter what others say or do, you will always find a way to reach your goal.

You should know that you have a lot of energy inside you, and the only way to use this energy is to take action. People often say that they feel like giving up on a particular task because they believe that they cannot do it. But those people are wrong, because their beliefs are preventing them from taking action. You have the power to change your beliefs. You should believe that you are capable of achieving your goal. You can do anything you put your mind to. If you want to reach your goals, you have to believe that you are capable of doing it.

Believe in something greater than yourself

We all know something is there which is ruling our nature, universe, human and animal specis, it may some power. Believe in god is not a bad or meaningless. We should think god just a superpwer nothing other than that.

Whether we’re talking about business or personal goals, one of the most crucial steps towards reaching them is to believe in our ability to succeed. If you want to be successful, you must believe you will be successful. There’s no point in thinking about what you’re going to do until you know for sure you can do it. Your subconscious mind will only ever move you in the direction of success if you believe you’re destined to succeed. Your destiny could be any super power, or that super power may be the faith of god.

believe in god
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You should never doubt yourself. If you have an opportunity to do something that you think you can do, try it and don’t worry about what other people think. In order to succeed, you have to act. When you have an opportunity to succeed, don’t wait for anyone. Do something about it. If you don’t have anything else to do, you should just act. You don’t have to have a plan; you don’t have to do it perfectly, you just have to try and do it. You can always get better. Never, ever, ever give up.

Know that if you are loved, you can’t lose

I’m sure I don’t need to remind you what happened to the last superhero who failed to win over the love of the girl he truly loved. However, the fact is that we all fall down at some point in our lives and it’s possible to bounce back and get up again. If you want to win over someone’s heart, you need to know and understand what makes people tick, and how to bring out their strengths rather than their weaknesses. So, the next time you’re in a situation where you might be feeling lonely or unloved, try to make the most of the opportunity to show someone what they truly value in you.

Never give up
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The next time you’re feeling down, don’t give up on life. There are many people who have been through worse situations than yours. You might feel down, but there are many people who have been through worse situations and still manage to find happiness. If you are having trouble finding happiness, try to figure out what makes you happy. Maybe you are unhappy because you can’t find a job or you have trouble making friends. In such a situation, you might try to find ways to meet new people or do things that you enjoy. You need to be patient. If you just continue to focus on what you can’t control, you’ll find that your life won’t change much.

Learn to let go

We live in a culture where the word God is used all over the place. For example, if you ask someone “How is your day?” they’ll answer, “God bless.” If you ask them to explain how that relates to what they just said, they might say, “Well, I feel blessed because I am going through a really hard time right now.” You could stop there, but that is very likely not the point of the phrase. What you need to do is figure out the underlying meaning, and that’s going to involve some digging.

God doesn’t like it when we use his name as a substitute for the truth. God expects us to be honest with him. We don’t want to use his name as an excuse to lie. When you say, “God bless you,” you’re lying because you aren’t telling the truth. God bless isn’t true, and he has nothing to do with the blessing that you get when someone else gives you money. It’s not that God doesn’t love you. He does. It’s just that he wants us to respect him by telling him the truth. He’ll understand if you tell him the truth.

Know that love conquers all

Love isn’t a feeling; it’s a decision. We choose to love someone, to be loved by them, or not to. So, if we’re going to make a change in our lives and our relationships, we need to know why. The reasons behind a decision aren’t always obvious. They might seem illogical or even impossible. But what we believe is true is true. It doesn’t matter if the reasons seem ridiculous, or if they contradict our personal beliefs. They’re still the reasons we chose, or didn’t choose. We made those decisions, consciously or unconsciously, and we’ll make similar decisions again.

We all want to be happy, but most of us don’t know what that means, and we certainly don’t know what to do to get there. Happiness is an abstract concept. It’s a quality or trait that you can’t touch or see. It’s a feeling, a thought, a behavior, a belief, a state of mind, a relationship—anything that’s outside of your physical reality. To get to happiness, you have to look within yourself, and figure out what makes you tick.

Accept yourself don’t blame to god

Blaming god is not a good excuse. As a society, we have evolved to believe in something bigger than ourselves. But if we blame something outside of ourselves for our actions, we are admitting that our choices and decisions are our own responsibility. We are giving up power over our lives and our choices. We may feel better blaming something or someone else, but that’s not real change.

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Let me explain this to you. Our society is based on a system of beliefs. We believe that certain people are in charge of making decisions for us. If we believe that the government is in charge, then we vote to elect the officials who make the decisions for us. If we believe that our parents are in charge, we listen to what they say. And, if we believe that our teachers are in charge, we follow their orders. All of these things are examples of a system of beliefs. God is someone who is superior of all those power , knowingly or unknowingly we are under their ruling.

Know how to accept the reality and move forward in life

Everything happens for a reason

There is a reason for everything and everyone is in our lives for a reason. Everything happens for a reason, not just bad things. For instance, I may be upset with my mother because she always yells at me when I get home from school. But when I am older, I may realize that it’s because she cares so much about me. I’m grateful for her, she taught me many valuable lessons, and I hope to someday repay the favor. God isn’t responsible for everything bad in our lives. He can take away some of the pain, but not all of it.

The reason why you’re sad is because you were born sad, not because god is a sadistic maniac who put you through something you don’t deserve.

When we have problems in life, it may seem like we have no chance of ever getting out of it. But we’re not always unlucky, and sometimes we find good luck. We need to find the strength to get out of bad situations and get the best out of bad circumstances. We need to think positively. Remember, everything happens for a reason. We don’t know why something happened, but if we figure it out, we can learn something from it.

Know that we have free will

One of the things that most people don’t realize is that God is not the only one who can give us choices. We have free will, and although it is true that God created all things, He did not create us with the ability to do evil. We have a choice whether we’re going to do good or not, and that choice comes from God but it is our own choice. If we choose to do good, we will reap the benefits of that choice in the future. If we choose to do evil, we’ll reap the consequences of that choice in the future.

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We all have a free will, and what we choose determines our future. We can do good things or bad things. A man named Adam and his wife Eve had been given a choice between good and evil, and they chose evil. When they chose evil, they were sent to prison in Hell. God also gave us a second choice: He could have taken the evil away From us and put us back in the garden. He didn’t do that, though. He let us suffer in Hell so that we would turn to Him and learn to love Him. This is why we need to have faith. Our free will is limited, but we still have a choice. 

In conclusion, “To be spiritual and believe in god” is a contradiction in terms. It’s like saying you can be both loving and a sociopath. People who say such things either aren’t very smart, or they’re confused. If you want to be spiritual, and you believe in God, then you have to be spiritual. And being spiritual means being honest with yourself, and not denying your own beliefs.

also learn how you can believe in god if you are spiritual by Manisha melwani

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Written by imsrpanda

This is soumya (Soumya Ranjan Panda), a passionate blogger and a software engineer and finally an open person. I always keen to know the mysterious world and the human behaviors and their relationship. Also same thing I am presuming for me articles. I would also love to here the same thing from anyone, if you have anything feel free to mail me on

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