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How to control dream while sleeping to make it attractive

lucid dream is a art of your imagination. We are living in the world with full of possibilities, and our dream has no limit what we gonna see. Can you control dreams. is it really possible??

Before that we should aware why and how the dream comes after sleeping. Even science does not know why dream comes, it’s just a consciousness of our mind to bring a favorable circumstances. Dreaming is a powerful state of mind that we all engage in every night, but many people fail to recognize that.

Control dreams
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When we sleep, we dream. It is very interesting to see what the person dreams about. It can give some insights of how to deal with the problems and to get success. We can control our dreams by applying certain techniques. If the dream comes when you are in deep sleep or in between the sleep and awake, then it is very difficult to control. But, if you can control the dream, then you can easily get success in whatever field you want to.

There are 4 stages of sleep, after which dream comes.

sleep stage
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Control dreams on first stage of dream — Light sleep

This is the first stage of sleep, where your body will be calm but your mind does not sleep. Any small disturbance can break this stage, like external noise, mosquito bites, sudden light in a dark room etc..

Your subconscious is trying to make you wake up, so that you will become conscious. In this stage, you are able to concentrate and analyze the events that happen in your life. In this stage, you will know how your life is going.

Control dreams on second stage of dream — Half sleep

In this stage your body temperature will reduce a bit. It starts releasing body pain. But your mind is still half working. In this stage your mind protect from external disturbance like when a mosquito bites, your hands will automatically moves there to defend.

The “half sleep” stage is that place between being awake and being asleep where you start to drift off, but still keep your eyes open.

Control dreams on third stage of dream — Deep sleep

In this stage your muscle and body will be relaxed. Your mind is fully aware but such relax state gives a notion to body to sleep. The deep-sleep stage is when we’re in REM sleep, and the brain is processing subconscious information. During this time, we’re more vulnerable to outside stimuli and influences. This is a perfect time for someone to interrupt us with a phone call or an email, for example.

Control dreams on final stage of dream — Complete sleep

Your eyes movement will takes place and you will start dreaming.

This whole process will take 90 minutes and your sleep has 3-4 such process while you’re sleeping.

Now some questions for you..

Do you remember what you have seen in the dream last night? I know most of you might not remember what they have seen last night unless it’s a very pleasure or scary dream. If you really remember a generic dream then I must say you are a lucid dreamer. A survey says 1 out of 1000 person has inbuilt capability to control their dreams. Are you the one out of those 1000? If not no worries you can also be a lucid dreamer. You know 1/3 of your life you are spending in sleep. How cool it is if you can control it, that mean you can get any superior power in this stage.

Let’s follow these steps to be a lucid dreamer

Ask yourself at least 10 times a day, whether you are in sleep stage.

  • But how could you confirm that you are in sleep stage?
  • There are many ways you can do it. Try to understand you circumstances if everything is fine. If you are sleep you must get a clue that something is wrong.
  • Try to jump 2-3 times , if you are in sleep you might not come down, you may flat in air.
  • Try to blow air from your mouth without opening. If you are in sleep it will blow, because in actual it will open your mouth and blow but in your dream you are controlling it.
  • Ask yourself what you did yesterday or day before yesterday. If you’re in dream you may not remind, because your dream is another imagination world there is no yesterday or day before yesterday.

Try to remind your dreams. or you can note down it in a diary everyday in details.

  • Most of time we can remind our dreams till half an hour after awake.
  • If we note it down everyday in details then our mind will be more familiar between sleep and real state

Write down your desired dream in a paper then set alarm for next 3 hour before sleep

  • This is most important step to see your desired dream.
  • Write down your desired dream in details on a paper before sleep and keep it with you.
  • Then set an alarm for next 3-4 hour. Once you awake read your desired dream.
  • Also imagine in a pictured way while reading. If possible read it twice.
  • Don’t try this on your mobile phone notepad, because other notification may distract your concentration.
  • Now go and sleep.. that’s it.. welcome to your imagination world.

Above steps may not work with in a single day, let’s continue this exercise you will definitely achieve it. Because practice makes perfect. From my experience It took twenty days for me.

Benefits of lucid dream

Many people consider lucid dreaming a pleasant experience, though the actual benefits of lucid dreaming have been largely understudied. One recent study, published in Scientific Reports, found that lucid dreamers were better at identifying their dreams, and more aware of their mental states. They were also more likely to have nightmares and less likely to feel anxious during the day.

  1. You can overcome from your weakness.
  2. You can enjoy your 1/3rd of your life in your way.
  3. You will get a Sharp brain power.
  4. Your concentration will increase day by day.

lucid dreams
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Stephen laberge from Stanford University research on some people to check whether actually lucid dream exist?
he told them to move your eyes 5 times when you come out of dream. and they did, that mean those persons know when they are in their sleep state and when they are in their real world. Once you know how to control your dream, any time you can leave your sleep stage and awake.

Buddhism monk
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In Buddhism this technique are there since 1000 years ago. using these technique some monks are used to meditate while sleeping, which causes sharp brain.

Now coming back to imagination

Let’s say you want to live in the 1600 era, and you are a king of a state. You are very wealthy and you have a beautiful queen. Everyone obeying your order, you are getting hundred of dishes in your meal. You’re the emperor, you can do anything……… and so on….. ,

How cool it is.. now I can go beyond my imagination. What you say?

In the night, dreams are very important for us. Dreams can be defined as a kind of information processing, which is carried out while we are sleeping. Dreams can provide insights and ideas to help us change our lives, to grow, to learn and to progress.

In conclusion, there are ways that you can control dreams so that they will be more interesting and appealing to the dreamer. There are certain methods that have been proven over time to work for a large number of people. To understand these methods, first you need to understand the basic nature of the dream state. Dreaming is a state of mind that is very similar to wakefulness in that both require you to focus on certain thoughts. The difference is that when you’re awake, you’re aware that you are dreaming, and you are able to control your thoughts and actions in order to accomplish whatever you desire. In dreams, however, you are not aware of your dream and your actions are involuntary. To control dreams you must therefore become aware of your dream while it is occurring. Once you do this, you can decide whether or not you wish to continue the dream. It’s an interesting paradox: to become more aware of your dreams, you must learn to act more like you’re in a dream.

Also know more about lucid dream here

It’s fun to dream what ever we want, and we can do abnormal things which we can’t do in real time. But also we need to achive our real time goal to sustian in life. Refer 9 Powerful Goal Setting Techniques for Better Living

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Written by imsrpanda

This is soumya (Soumya Ranjan Panda), a passionate blogger and a software engineer and finally an open person. I always keen to know the mysterious world and the human behaviors and their relationship. Also same thing I am presuming for me articles. I would also love to here the same thing from anyone, if you have anything feel free to mail me on

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