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Complicated Relationship and Challenge in life

Why is it that the person I love, goes against me and hurts me but still wants to be with me? It’s a complicated relationship with love and life, should I proceed with it? I believe a person can live his entire life and never understand the true meaning of love. Love is a simple concept. Yet it has the power to change a person’s life forever.

Complicated Relationship
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Relationship is not easy, but at the same time, we are trying to make it. If you think that your relationship with your partner, family or friends is complicated, then you have to learn a few simple rules to make it simpler. Some of these rules may sound strange, but once you apply them, you will see a major change in the way you communicate with your loved ones.

The most common relationships end up becoming toxic in the long run. They destroy your health and happiness. We have identified 6 key areas to focus on so you can improve the quality of your relationship, and have healthy, happy relationships.

Complecated relationship due to Anger, Ego, Attitude

A relationship is like a balance scale. When you weigh a relationship on one side, you have to also weigh it on the other side. A balance scale can’t be too heavy on either side. But if you put a ton of weight on one side, the other side will feel empty. That’s what happens when you’re too focused on one aspect of a relationship without balancing it out with the other.

No relation in this world is complete, every relation has some complication. We can conclude that without some obstacle, relation can’t progress. Sometimes keep doubt in mind and anger with your partner is fine, but you are the only one who can clear the doubt and get the solution with in yourself. But don’t mix these sense with ego, anger with ego to your doubtful mind must cause harm in your married life. For a happy married life controlling anger and change in attitude is necessary.

If you want to maintain a good relationship, you should work on keeping both sides balanced. You should be concerned about the people you spend time with and the way you treat them. You should make an effort to help others. You shouldn’t focus on yourself at the expense of others. You should be considerate and show respect to the other person. You should be kind, understanding, patient, and forgiving. In addition to this, you should also have fun together and be open-minded.

If you and your spouse have a good relationship, there’s no need to worry about it. You can be as calm and patient as you like. However, if you don’t agree on certain things, you can’t always expect your relationship to be smooth. If you start arguing, you may end up breaking up with your partner.

Complicated relationship with the matter of family

If you find any disagreement in your family, you should be careful. You don’t want to let your emotions and egoism get in the way. You can resolve these issues by talking to each other. Sometimes, you can even talk with your family members about how you feel about them. Don’t say anything negative about them because that will make things worse. Don’t drag your family into your personal problems. You must focus on yourself first. When you do that, your family will feel better.

relation with family
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After marriage, there is often a argument between husband and wife over small matters.It is okay to say good and bad to each other, but dragging the family out of it makes the relationship worse.When someone says good and bad about our family, then we feel very bad and then we forget that my life partner is also right of my family. Such incidents worsens the matter and there is loneliness between the two for several days.Due to such differences every day, sometimes we even decide to live separately. For all this we are held responsible for emotion and egoistic mind. It takes extra effort to make the relationship stronger.

It’s same like to make your social life connected you need to charge your mobile, same way you need some extra care over your relationship. Relation doesn’t mean only between you and your partner. Every members of your family, your relatives, friends, neighbors all are part of your life. As much as we make ourselves comfortable with our surrounding, and makes our personal and social relation better, it has impact positivity in our married life too. Day by day our responsibility keeps on increasing and we are not getting any quality time to spent with our family. So make sure to keep some time reserve for family, otherwise life becomes lonely, relation becomes weaker and also impact on mental health.

If you don’t spend any time with your family, you will be bored. You need to take your time and be careful to connect with your family and have a good relationship with them. This is the best way to keep your relationship healthy. You should make an effort to talk to your family every day. You can make this a habit so that you won’t forget. Don’t forget to give them your love and attention. Make sure to spend quality time with your family. If you spend more time with your family, it will help you and your family.

Past memories

If you want to make your relationship stronger, you need to spend more time with your partner. You can try to be around your family more often. You can help them out with whatever they need. Your parents may need your help when they are sick. You can spend more time doing things that are fun for you and your partner. When you do this, you will both have a stronger relationship. You should also make sure to talk to each other more often. You should keep in mind that being close to your partner is one of the keys to a strong relationship.

past memories
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Whether it’s love marriage or arranged that doesn’t matter, if everytime you considering yourself superior and your partner as weak, to make yourself right and blaming your partner then that makes worsen in married life. Everyone has some weakness or the other. Then by taking out the weakness of others, the relationship gets worse and become a complicated relationship.

Past memories are the strongest and emotional addition to boost up your relation. Many times we forget our nears and dears to their birthday, anniversary and some other special occasions. But those small incidents can fulfill a lot of happiness in our life. Although we forget something we should accept our mistake. A small sorry does not down your dignity rather it makes you grateful from others point of view.

But sharing get caring

sharing is caring
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Sometimes we don’t want to express our feelings with our partner, although it’s not intentional but due to some external factors we are doing this. But always remember sharing is caring, unless we are not sharing our feelings with partner, it keeps disturbing our mind and same feeling makes disturb to our partner too.

May be you partner doesn’t have any solution for your problem, but it feels you relaxed if you share your problem with your partner. Sharing is caring is not just only sharing your emotion but sometime a small help could makes it flavour to your relation. During this, all things related to personal and professional life should be brought to the knowledge of each other. This will not only reduce stress and fatigue, but will also increase the sweetness in the relationship and will be a solution for your complicated relationship.

When we are in a relationship, we can share our feelings with our partner. There are many ways that we can do that. One way is to tell him/her about your feelings directly. Another is to show how much you care by giving him/her gifts or small tokens. The third way is to show that you care by helping him/her with his/her personal problems. Still you unable to sustain your relation?? It’s just a matter of time, start your relationship not as like a partner but as a friend.

Spent time

A relationship should be fun and enjoyable. If you feel that your partner is not doing enough to keep you entertained and you don’t get to see them often, then you can do something to make sure that you stay in touch. For example, you could invite your partner over to your house for a weekend, or you could take them out for dinner. It doesn’t matter what you do. Just make sure that you do something together that will make you both happy.

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Although we are busy in our life with increasing responsibility, we need to spent sometime with each other. At least on weekend both cook together and eat together. Cook your partners favorite dish. You may have your professional cook, but don’t miss these important moments. These moments are increases emotion bonding in your life.

A few words of praise strengthen every relationship in the world, here your complicated relationship become a stronger relationship. Therefore, always praise the good habits, caring nature and positive attitude of the partner. Don’t forget to give a pat on the back whenever partners do something new and creative or have a professional achievement recorded in their account. Your praise will give them different happiness. Even if you both work different shifts and find it difficult to find time for each other, still make a time for mutual conversation.

No matter how old your marriage is, don’t forget to celebrate wedding anniversaries and each other’s birthdays. As usual, plan dinner somewhere outside or at home and give a lovely gift to the partner. This will keep trust in each other.

Long term consequences

To be successful in a long-term relationship, you must be able to be clear on your personal desires as well as what the other person wants from the relationship. In a recent survey by the University of California at Los Angeles, participants were asked if they were happy with their partner, and their answers revealed that most of them were not. In order to be happy in a long-term relationship, a couple has to be clear on what they want. Otherwise, they’re just going to be unhappy for the rest of their lives.

If you want to be happy in a long-term relationship, it is important that you both be clear about what you want. A lot of people get into relationships where one person wants to be in a relationship and the other doesn’t. This makes them unhappy because they are not getting what they want from the relationship.

If you want to be happy in a long-term relationship, it is important to understand that the other person wants the same thing from you as you do. Don’t expect the other person to change if you don’t want to change. A lot of people think that their partner will change if they don’t change, but this isn’t true. The other person will just get angry if you keep pushing them. You may also think that your partner will accept you for who you are, but he or she won’t. If you want your partner to be happy, then you have to be willing to accept him or her for who he or she is.

In conclusion, Life is always going to be complicated, but if you learn to adapt and accept the situation you’re in, it’s actually pretty simple. There are no silver bullets, but if you can accept that there’s no secret formula for success, and you’re willing to make an honest effort to learn from your mistakes, then you’ll find that all the pieces fit together into a beautiful picture of life. But, don’t worry, you don’t have to start at the beginning—the good news is that you can start anywhere. You just have to get up and take action. Life really is as easy as it sounds.

Also refer Trust and social relation in life

Alos refer 6 sense to keep you for your love

Also refer how you know that you are in a complicated relationship

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Written by imsrpanda

This is soumya (Soumya Ranjan Panda), a passionate blogger and a software engineer and finally an open person. I always keen to know the mysterious world and the human behaviors and their relationship. Also same thing I am presuming for me articles. I would also love to here the same thing from anyone, if you have anything feel free to mail me on

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