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How To Face The Reality & Admire In Guilt-free Life

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Its not that much difficulst to face the reality than we think. Everyone has some happiness and sadness in their life. This is not a story line, this is the reality. Any one can have richness, powerful, intelligence, irrespective of all these aspects there may little sarrowness, it will come in term of either own ability or by some of your dear ones.Challenge is the aspect of our life to whom we have to face. But there are multi path resolution to it. Choosing the better path can decide the future and forward step of your life. Let’s not loose the hope rather face the reality and cheer the life.

To do this, you should be able to identify and avoid the obstacles in your path. The first thing to do is to know where the obstacles are. Once you know where they are, you can work on them and get rid of them. It is easy to see the obvious obstacles in your life. You just need to take a look around you. However, you can’t always see the obstacles. Sometimes, you might find that you don’t see the things that are right in front of you.

This is a problem because you might not be aware of the things that can cause you problems in the future. You might want to think about this and you should consider what will happen if you don’t get rid of the obstacles. In fact, you need to understand your own strengths and weaknesses. If you are not confident that you can handle a problem or situation, then it is better to avoid it. You should also be aware of other people’s strengths and weaknesses. You should also know that some problems are inevitable. When you are dealing with obstacles in your life, you need to be able to deal with them properly.

Stick on fact and face the reality

Don’t forget the reality, something that already happened on the past can’t be changed and that’s the fact forever. An akward situation from past can be balanced by present sense and work ethics. You should acknowledge all the good things and bad things that needs improvement, out of which you can generate self acceptance. Self acceptance could be hard to observe but it will help you to your mind and soul control coordination and makes you stronger in reality acceptance.

A person can overcome many challenges in his or her life with a positive attitude. Even though the situation might seem difficult, one has to keep his or her head up and think positively. We should learn how to overcome our negative feelings by thinking positive. If you have a goal or something that you want to accomplish, then you must focus on that goal and try to achieve it.

stick on facts
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You can’t let other people’s problems distract you from your goals. You should set goals for yourself, such as finishing school, graduating, getting married, having children, buying a house, or becoming a famous athlete. You should do something every day, even if it is just for a few minutes. As long as you continue to work towards your goal, you will get there.

Let me give you an example of how you can use this principle in your own life. Let’s say you are in school and you are having a hard time focusing on your studies. Instead of complaining about not being able to concentrate, what you should do instead is just keep working at it until you can concentrate on your school work. If you do that, then sooner or later you will achieve your goal. You will pass your classes and get your degree.

The point is that you should not focus on the problems that you have, but instead you should focus on the solutions. If you will do this consistently, you will succeed in spite of (not because of) all the problems you have in your life.

Self belief

We all make mistakes. The difference between winners and losers is how they respond to these mistakes. Most people never try to correct their mistakes. Instead, they dwell on them. This makes them feel sorry for themselves and this prevents them from getting back on the horse and trying again. Losers stay stuck in this emotional rut for a long time. Only winners recognize and correct their mistakes. What does it matter if someone else makes fun of you or says that you are an idiot if you know in your heart that you are right? The truth will set you free.

The only thing that matters is whether you believe the truth or not. Believe in yourself and the rest will take care of itself. Don’t pay any attention to the negative remarks of others. They don’t have your interests at heart. They are only trying to push you down. Look at it this way: Imagine someone who is mean to you is on a high stool with a large club in their hands. They have a clear goal: To knock you off your feet.

You see them picking on someone weaker than themselves. The truth is, they are just like you. They too, want to succeed. But, they are too scared to get started. And, they are too stupid to realize that everyone makes mistakes. So, they choose the path of least resistance which happens to be picking on someone weaker than themselves

Face the reality and Beleive in yourself
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Believe yourself first then it’s easy to believe the external facts, if you have the confidence and self motive, it will make you happy with the current situation and easy to maintain the past mark. The practical thing about the reality is you have to face it and the the purposeful thing is you need the patience and courage to pass it. Also it has the best path to achieve your dream wisely. No one gonna face the reality of yours other than you.

It is very important to believe in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, how can you expect anyone else to believe in you? If you don’t believe in yourself, you won’t try to do anything to improve yourself. You’ll just stay at home watching TV all day. On the other hand, if you do believe in yourself, you will go out and take some chances. You will try new things. You will be open to new ideas.

You won’t be afraid to make mistakes. No matter what, always believe in yourself. Never ever listen to people who say you can’t do something. Never let negative people discourage you. Always remember John Carlton saying “Don’t pay any attention to the negative remarks of others. They don’t have your interests at heart.” Believe in yourself and the rest of the stuff will fall into place.

Face the reality with state of mind

There are many people in the world who are very negative. They focus on the bad in everything instead of the good. It is not always easy to see the positive side of things, but if you will look for it, you will find it. Look for the good in everyone and every situation. Look for the lessons that are hidden in everything. Always remember…

The Dark Side Of Every Story Has A Light Side Too!

If you will look for it, you’ll find it. Seek out the positive people and you will always find some positive things to learn. Negativity is a “virus” that spreads like crazy in a world that is so full of positive people. It’s important that you stay healthy and positive. Keep your energy level up by thinking about and putting up “positive flags”. Positive people are the fertilizer that makes your life grow. They give you energy and help you to become a better person. Always surround yourself with positive people and you will start to change for the better.

Face the reality with state of mind
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As a human nature they never feel themselves wrong, and a single mistake will show hundreds of wrong path to prove yourself right. And finally you may realise your guilty and think if you would have gone in a right path. That’s the conflict situation. How should I face my guilty now. If I would have accept my guilty earlier then I ain’t face this problem now. But still it’s not late, make yourself strong, show your dignity, show your faith, stick to right path, it will automatically show the other open and actual path.

You may have made a mistake and you’re feeling guilty. The problem with that is that you haven’t learned how to deal with mistakes. Mistakes are an important part of learning. You should learn from your mistakes and try to avoid them in the future. You can do that by learning from your mistakes. A person who learns from his mistakes is called a wise person.

Also refer a similar topic, how to choose wisdom person in your life

You can also learn from your mistakes if you are willing to change your actions. It’s up to you to choose what to do. It’s your decision to make. If you can’t handle your mistake, then you should talk to someone who you can trust. That person may be a friend or a teacher. You should also accept your mistake and then you should change your actions. If you don’t want to change your actions, then you should be prepared to accept the consequences of your mistake. The reason why I’m telling you this is because you have to learn from your mistakes. Don’t just try to brush them off.

Time revolution

You know what you should do when you find yourself in a situation where you feel you can’t change something? The first thing you should do is admit that you can’t change it. Don’t keep trying to convince yourself that you can change something that is not changeable. No matter how much you want to change something, if you really examine the situation, you may discover that you can’t change it.

So, what you need to do next is simply accept the fact that you can’t change the situation. This will put an end to a lot of needless frustration and anger. If you don’t accept the situation, then you will waste a lot of time and energy trying to change it. This will not solve the problem; it will only make things worse. Don’t be afraid to admit defeat. In many cases, giving up on a hopeless situation will actually save you a lot of emotional pain. Once you admit that you can’t change something, the next thing you should do is decide how to deal with the situation in a way that makes you comfortable.

Face the reality with time revolution
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We says past is past that won’t come again, but again we says history repeats. That means in some how we are living in the past. If you did something wrong and some how covered up that mistake, then don’t think you are right. Any time that mistake may reveal. Until the mistake reveals, it won’t let your life be in peace. So better to reveal your mistake by yourself and accept what reality says, it makes your life easy.

We all do things in our lives that we feel we can’t change. We feel like we are too big or too small to do something. It’s true that we can’t always change our past, but we can change our present. Sometimes, we make mistakes that we feel can never be undone. We need to accept ourselves for who we are. We should remember that the people who are angry at themselves for their mistakes will never be happy. Only the people who learn from their mistakes will be successful in life.

Face the reality with a fresh start

We all have bad times in our lives, and these bad times can even seem to last forever. However, we must always remember that no matter how bad our current situation is, it will always be followed by a worse situation. In fact, most often, our situation gets worse before it gets better. It is hard to take a positive outlook on life when everything seems so negative. However, if we can just keep moving forward, eventually, things will start to look up. That’s the way it works. We can’t control what happens in the future, but we do have some control over our immediate present circumstances.

Face the reality with a fresh start
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We want to live in our own way, but life is running in its own way. Along with this, it is a different experience to walk while falling on the bumpy rocky path. Whenever we fall, it goes ahead and not letting us leave alone, no matter how deep the injury, it gives us a chance to recover again. Those who seize this opportunity, they win the losing bet and rise from zero to the top.

Something special attention needed here that gives the courage to move forward in any situation. Can a new beginning be made even after everything is over. Look forward, don’t look back. Life is parallel with time they never look back always starts a new moment.

Life puzzle and social reality

Face the reality in a life puzzle
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It’s not over “What to do, where to go, how did this happen suddenly, there is no way to see… Such negative things do not suit anyone, but there comes a phase in the life of all of us at some point, when We have been asking this question to ourselves. It seems that everything has ended, but anything would have happened.

If there is a desire to live in the heart, then even a broken life can be restored. Don’t treat life as a puzzle rather treat as a routine let it run as it is. Life has its own puzzle, a time come you have to resolve these but you no need to pause your life to resolve it. otherwise after resolve it you will get your life at the same point where you left it.

Where is the destiny??

Destily of life
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Impossible to deny destiny. We all plan very well for the future. It may be that such plans of some people are completely successful, but it is not so with everyone. We are making full preparations to run life as per our wish but destiny smiling at our innocence and deciding something else for us. It is not necessary that destiny always thinks bad for us, sometimes it changes the course of our life. We have no control over whatever is happening with us.

Therefore, if something bad happens to us, instead of feeling sad for it, we should think that perhaps my goodness will be hidden in this. It is true that we cannot change the destiny, but we can try to overcome the difficulties that we face with our positive efforts.

Be optimistic and face the reality Explore here

Many times we feel depressed because of failure, to get rid of this just you need to know what fail is explare here First Attempt In Life

What do you think?

Written by imsrpanda

This is soumya (Soumya Ranjan Panda), a passionate blogger and a software engineer and finally an open person. I always keen to know the mysterious world and the human behaviors and their relationship. Also same thing I am presuming for me articles. I would also love to here the same thing from anyone, if you have anything feel free to mail me on

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  1. Hello

    It is a reality of life that you will suddenly die some day and maybe that will happen soon. So you must find out who our saviour is? Before you die and face him.

    [“Have We not made for him (mankind) a pair of eyes? And a tongue and a pair of lips? And shown him the two ways (good and evil)?” TMQ90:8-10]

    Go to

    and find out the TRUTH before it is too late


  2. Sеlf-Imрrovеment аnd succеss go hand in hand. Taking thе steрs tо mаkе yourself a bеtter аnd mоre wеll-rounded individuаl will prоvе to bе a wisе dеcisiоn.
    The wise реrson fееls thе pаin оf оne аrrow. The unwise fееls thе рain of two.
    Whеn looking for wise words, the bеst onеs oftеn cоme from our еldеrs.
    Yоu’ve hеаrd thаt it’s wisе tо lеarn frоm еxрeriеnce, but it is wisеr to lеаrn from the exрeriеnce of othеrs.
    We tеnd to think of great thinkers and innоvаtors аs solоists, but the truth is that the greatest innоvative thinking doеsn’t occur in a vаcuum. Innоvatiоn rеsults from collаboration.
    Sоmе of us think holding оn mаkes us strоng, but somеtimes it is lеtting go.
    But whаt I’vе discоverеd оvеr time is thаt somе оf the wisest peoplе I know hаve аlsо been sоmе of thе mоst broken pеорle.
    Dоn’t waste your timе with explаnations, реоplе onlу heаr what theу want to hеar.
    Tо makе difficult dеcisiоns wisеly, it helps tо havе a systеmаtic рrоcess for аssessing eаch choice аnd its cоnsequencеs – the pоtential impact on eаch аsрect of yоur life.
    Each оf us еxреriеncеs defеats in life. We cаn trаnsform dеfeаt into victory if we lеаrn frоm life’s whupрings.

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