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Empty pocket devastating life and gain lesson

There are many stages of life all in all stages of life we suffer a lot of problems and we try to overcome those problems. In their teenage time, some have full pocket money whereas some have an empty pocket. In adult time too some people have a full pocket whereas some have an empty pocket. So starting from teenage time to the adult stage empty pocket teaches many lessons. 

Empty pocket is the biggest issue in those days. Some people are dragged to bad lines and go to the dark world and some struggles in the empty pocket situation and reach a good position. But few people get a chance to reach good positions although many get lessons from their empty pocket situation they might not able to reach their wish position and they go to the dark world.

There are many ways to live out life, but for some reason, people choose to spend their time and money on frivolous things instead of investing in their future.

Here we focus on some factors of an empty pocket 

What happens in school/college carries 

What happens during building a career 

What happens when staying with family 

What happens when an emergency come 

What happens in old stages

What happens in school/college carries 

There is a saying “born poor is not a curse but dying poor is a big curse”

So we don’t know about our born family condition and we also don’t know how our parents have grown up empty pocket in this situation is not our fault. But after getting our proper knowledge or after completion of our study career then also there is the same empty pocket situation then we have to think about it.

Going to college is exciting. I think it is the best place to meet new friends and learn new things. It’s the right time to make new friends and to become more socialized. But the thing that makes going to college the most exciting is getting the money that you need to pay for tuition and books. It is exciting to know that you can afford everything that you want in life. But it is also scary to know that your pocket might be empty.

empty pocket
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Many students feel that they might have to work to earn money to support their families after they graduate from college. This is true because college expenses are very expensive. To cover these costs, you can get a job or go to work to earn money. When I was in college, I worked in the cafeteria at my university. Sometimes, I went home with a lunch that I didn’t like. I always wondered how my parents would react. As soon as I ate my meal, I had to rush back to the cafeteria. I didn’t want to risk missing my next class. That was why I didn’t enjoy going home with food that I didn’t like.

When you are in high school or college, it’s always fun to bring your friends to eat. It makes you feel better. When you are going out for dinner, you should always think about whether you have enough money with you or not. If you don’t have enough money, then you have to save some money for your lunch or dinner. You should always keep some money in your pocket. It’s the only way to prevent you from getting hungry in between meals.

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Some people think that they should not waste money on making love while they are still in school. They believe that it is wrong. On the other hand, others think that it is alright to waste money on making love while they are still in school. This is is correct thing whereas teenager is the age when many of us face rejection in love and the reason behind most of the rejection is empty pocket. Although it’s not a big deal but jealousy is a factor that comes out in our minds. 

Spending money on your education is very important. Even though you have a lot of financial problems, don’t waste your money on lovemaking in school. You might be tempted to do that. But, this is a very bad idea. You might find yourself doing it more often.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is to spend too much time making love and spending money. You should spend as much time with your partner as you can, but you should also spend some time studying or working on your job. Spending all your time having sex isn’t very healthy. Spending too much time doing sex can be dangerous because you can catch a serious disease that can even cause you to die.

If you are going to have sex, make sure that it is with someone who is going to respect you. Don’t have sex in the school library or at the university bookstore. This is where you have to study hard. You need to concentrate on your studies. Don’t waste your money having sex and end up being in trouble. It is the same as if you were stealing, or cheating in school.

What happens during building a career 

The first thing that you need to do is to save up some money. If you don’t, you might not be able to afford to buy what you need. You must have enough money to pay your rent or mortgage. You might need enough money to cover the grocery bills. This way, you will have enough money left over after paying the bills. The thing that is frustrating for me is that I haven’t made enough money to support my family. My family has to work hard to get food and shelter. But my family and I love to work hard. Even if we don’t make much money, we still enjoy the work that we do.

People may think that hard work is not worth anything. They may feel that working so hard is just going to bring nothing. But you know that this isn’t true. Hard work will pay off for you someday. It’s better than sitting around doing nothing. It’s better to have a job and work hard than to sit around and complain about not having a job. Sometimes, you’ll be so tired from working all day that you won’t want to go to sleep, and you won’t have anything to do. That’s when you need to relax. There are lots of ways to do this. You can read a book, go for a walk, watch TV, or talk to your friends.

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I don’t have any money. But I will build a career. I think that building a career is easy. You just need to keep trying. Some people may think that you need to have money to be successful, but that’s not true. You need to be persistent and not give up when you are faced with a challenge. If you are starting, you don’t have much money. That’s why you need to save some money, to begin with. You can use your money wisely by saving a certain amount every month. When you save money, you will be able to invest it and earn more. There are several ways to invest money.

It is very hard to build a career if you have no money. There are so many things that you have to pay for, such as office supplies, travel, and rent. It is difficult for some people to build a career if they don’t have any money. This means that you can’t buy what you need for your job, and that makes it very difficult to work. If you have no money, you can’t pay your bills. Some people end up having to get a second job.

What happens when staying with family in an empty pocket

If you have no money, you will need to stay with your family. In that case, you should be careful so that you don’t end up getting into any trouble with them. They might think that you are stealing from them. You should never do that because it can land you in trouble. If you need to stay with family, you should make sure that they respect you and love you. They must treat you right because you are staying with them. You should show them that you appreciate their hospitality by doing the same for them. We should all be thankful that we have a home to live in. But, what happens when we don’t have any money?

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It would be hard to find a place to sleep and to find food. It would also be difficult to make money and pay bills. It would be even harder to find a job. I’m sure that you know someone who has gone through this kind of situation. Homeless people don’t have a home to live in. They don’t have any money. They don’t have any food. They don’t have any clothes. They don’t have anything. That’s why it is important for us to have money. We need money to pay bills. We also need money to buy food, to buy clothing, and to buy other things.

First of all, it is important to understand that staying with family is more than just having a place to stay. Staying with family is about having a good relationship with your family members. Being with your family gives you a sense of security and belonging. This is why people usually spend more time with their families than with friends. However, it is not always possible to stay with your family because they don’t have enough money for the food. Then, the best thing to do is to ask for help from others.

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There are many ways to get help from people. One of the easiest ways is to ask for help from your parents. Parents love to help their children and will do anything for their children. Parents have no reason to be selfish. Parents can either give you some money, or they can sell their own things so that you can have a better life.

To grow a family, you must have enough money to support your children. If you don’t have enough money, you can borrow from friends or relatives, or you can try to earn some money. However, this might be hard to do, especially if you don’t have any experience.

If you want a family, it is important to think about how you are going to provide for them. Sometimes, you will need to have an early baby. If you are going to have a child, be sure to save up money for her first year of life. You may need to get a loan to be able to pay for her medical expenses. You should also look into having a larger family. In most cases, it is very expensive to raise a family. This is why so many couples struggle to have children. If you want to have more than one child, you’ll have to spend more money on having them.

What happens when an emergency come

When you face a financial problem, you need to face it. You have to be responsible for your actions. You have to look for ways to solve your problems. The problem might be too big to solve, and you should accept the reality of your situation. You must think about how you are going to get yourself out of your problem.

When an emergency comes up, you don’t have any money to pay for anything. You will have to do without paying for things. This is a big problem if you need money urgently. This can be difficult for you, especially if you don’t have any cash on you. There are some ways to find money. You can ask your relatives or friends for their help. You can borrow money from a friend. You can also borrow money from your boss or your co-workers. There are many different places to borrow money from. It all depends on your situation.

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If you are ever faced with a situation where you don’t have any money, you need to make sure you can find some. You should also think about what type of emergencies you will encounter. For example, you can’t afford to buy gas right now. Or, you have an unpaid bill and you need to pay for it. Another example is an accident. There is no way you can afford to replace your car right now. This can be a big challenge for you. It can be very difficult to handle an emergency that comes with no money.

If you are ever faced with a situation where you don’t have any money, you need to make sure you can find some. You should also think about what type of emergencies you will encounter. For example, you can’t afford to buy gas right now. Or, you have an unpaid bill and you need to pay for it. Another example is an accident.

There is no way you can afford to replace your car right now. This can be a big challenge for you. It can be very difficult to handle an emergency that comes with no money.

What happens in old stages when an empty pocket

The last thing you should do when you find yourself out of money is to worry about your finances. That’s not a good idea. The first thing you should think about is the things that you need. The rest will come. If you don’t spend money on yourself, you won’t have anything to buy when you have a real emergency. Your bills will take care of themselves. If you spend on your own needs and wants, then you will have a lot more to save for your future. So, the best thing to do is to stay within your means.

The thing about the old stages is that you will find yourself doing certain things. For example, you will feel stressed if you don’t have enough money in your wallet. If you feel stressed, then you should take some time off and relax. Try going out to a movie or just spending some time in the park with your family. If you don’t take time to relax, you will be stressed. If you don’t take care of yourself, you will be miserable and your stress level will rise. You need to find a balance between work and fun.

old age empty pocket
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The old days were filled with difficulties. These days, we don’t have much trouble when our pockets are empty. However, in old times, there were no credit cards or debit cards. We had to use cash and checks to pay for our purchases. There was no way to buy everything we wanted unless we saved money. Then, we needed a lot of time to save money. In those days, we used to save for our children’s college education. In other words, we couldn’t go shopping whenever we wanted to. We had to wait for some time before we could afford to buy whatever we wanted.

In conclusion, it’s important to have a financial plan, which helps you to decide how to spend your money and avoid debt. Money problems are a big cause of stress and unhappiness, so having an understanding of your finances means you can avoid falling into bad habits and spending too much, and you can work out how to pay off debts. To help you, here are four ways to save money.

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Written by imsrpanda

This is soumya (Soumya Ranjan Panda), a passionate blogger and a software engineer and finally an open person. I always keen to know the mysterious world and the human behaviors and their relationship. Also same thing I am presuming for me articles. I would also love to here the same thing from anyone, if you have anything feel free to mail me on

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